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A worker uses an industrial-sized leaf blower to clean up the grounds at Beringer Vineyards in this 2016 file photo. Vacuum Pump

Enforcement of St. Helena gas-powered leaf blower ban starts Saturday

St. Helena’s enforcement of its ordinance banning gasoline-powered leaf blowers will begin on Saturday.

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The change to city code, which the City Council approved in October, took effect on Jan. 1, but St. Helena Police has not issued citations or fines during the first three months of the ban, focusing instead on education and compliance. The ordinance requires leaf blowers used within city limits to be powered by batteries or electricity.

Electrically operated blowers may be used on parcels along Main Street between Pine Street and Grayson Avenue during the following hours:

- 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays

- 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays

- 10 a.m. to noon Sundays

In other parts of St. Helena, the legal hours for using blowers are:

- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays

- 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays

- 10 a.m. to noon Sundays

According to a city news release, St. Helena Fire staff have provided bilingual flyers to homeowners and landscaping firms that have used gas-powered blowers. Outreach efforts will continue after Saturday, but citations and fines also may be issued starting on that date.

To support residents and business owners through this transition, St. Helena has established a rebate program to assist in the purchase of new battery or electric-powered leaf blowers.

More information on the ordinance, enforcement, and rebate program can be found on the St. Helena city website:

See a demonstration of Calistoga School District's new battery-powered leaf blower.

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St. Helena Police Department calls for March 28-April 3.

A worker uses an industrial-sized leaf blower to clean up the grounds at Beringer Vineyards in this 2016 file photo.

Enforcement of St. Helena gas-powered leaf blower ban starts Saturday

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