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How to convert between the Fahrenheit and centigrade temperature scales | WGN-TV

Dear Tom, Can you tell me how to convert between the Fahrenheit and centigrade temperature scales? Frannie Marsh, third grade, Oak Brook Dear Frannie Two temperature scales, centigrade and Fahrenheit, are in common use in meteorology. Most nations use the centigrade scale, but Fahrenheit remains in use in the United States. The boiling point of water occurs at 212 degrees F and the freezing point at 32 degrees F, and in the centigrade scale those values are 100 degrees and 0 degrees. Conversion between Fahrenheit and centigrade is governed by the following algebraic formula: F=(9/5)C + 32. To convert from Fahrenheit to centigrade, subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit reading and divide the result by 1.8. To convert from centigrade to Fahrenheit, multiply the centigrade reading by 1.8 and then add 32.

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How to convert between the Fahrenheit and centigrade temperature scales | WGN-TV

Celsius Degree It’s up to humans to provide indoor cats with comfortable shelter, plenty of food and water, and a few stimulating toys.