TAMPA, Fla. — Frustration was mounting for an 88-year-old man in Tampa dealing with a backed-up sewer line that led to a costly problem.
Robert Peiser, 88, has lived in his home in Old Seminole Heights for 50 years, but the front of his house is now home to a big hole. Solvent Weld Pipe

Peiser said his sewer line was backing up.
“No water would go down,” said Peiser. “Sink stopped up, the toilet stopped up, the tub stopped up, everything stopped up.”
He said the backup problem started several months ago.
“In order to clear it, I called the City of Tampa. They came out. They cleared it, ran their cameras down, and said the problem is on my side. Call my plumber and have them clear the problem for you,” said Peiser.
Peiser said he cleared it himself a few times but eventually called his plumber.
“He gave me a quote to replace that entire sewer pipe for $4,250. I said do it, so he did it, and then Friday, he gets to the end and comes to find out the problem was not mine,” said Peiser.
Peiser reached out to ABC Action News about the problem and for help sorting it out. Our crew met him Monday morning as City of Tampa Wastewater Department crews were outside at work.
ABC Action News reached out to the City for answers on what all happened and received this statement in response:
“After thorough investigation by the on-site team, the City of Tampa’s wastewater team determined that this sewer blockage is on private property. The Wastewater Department is always willing to assist private owners in any way to help protect any impact to their property or the environment.” -Eric Weis, P.E., Director, Wastewater Department

SPIRALLY WELDED STEEL PIPES ASTM A252 While our crew was at his home, a supervisor from McNatt Plumbing came by the property on Monday and informed Peiser that they will help fix the problem and that they won’t be charging him the $4,250.