Kingdom Honey Royal Honey VIP has been gaining traction on TikTok and Twitter for a rather unexpected reason. Could this be another trend? Well the FDA hopes not.
The #royalhoney hashtag on TikTok features over 25 million views of TikTok users experimenting with Kingdom Honey Royal Honey VIP packets. The packet allegedly makes you horny and has been repurposed into a few recipes like Honey Hennessy wings and even Lemon Pepper wings by Flex Kitchen seen below. Natural Viagra Remedies

No. There’s a “hidden drug ingredient,” according to the FDA’s website. Is this safe?
Well, the FDA shared, Kingdom Honey Royal Honey VIP contains “sildenafil, the active ingredient in the FDA-approved prescription drug Viagra, used to treat erectile dysfunction. FDA approval of Viagra is restricted to use under the supervision of a licensed healthcare professional. ”
They warned that if you’re taking prescription medication, be mindful because the Viagra in Kingdom Honey Royal Honey VIP can interact with nitrates, which are in medications for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. Honey pack lemon pepper wings ?? — Flex Eats ??? (@flexeatss) August 30, 2022
Honey pack lemon pepper wings ??
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