Once, liposuction was considered “the thing” for removing stubborn fat, and for a long while it seemed to be the only procedure promising such results. Fast forward beyond an age where alternative non-invasive treatments became available, and we are now set to move into a new phase of results-driven cryolipolsis.
New for 2021, CryoSlim Hybrid is an innovation in advanced cryolipolysis. With state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, it offers advanced cooling technology to deliver targeted fat freezing that permanently removes stubborn layers of fat where diet or exercise have no effect. Hydrogen Oxygen Facial Machine

Interacting in real time to create an optimal treatment for each patient, it delivers effective body contouring, resulting in 39% of fatty folds eliminated even after just one session.*
Equipped with analysis and adaptation abilities, it is the User Assist function that separates this machine from its counterparts, interacting in real time with the body of each patient.
The composition, resistance, density and volume of fats are analysed, and the cross-referring data ensures results and offers a treatment plan tailored to the specific needs of each area.
A highly efficient method of fat reduction for adipose tissue, the CryoSlim Hybrid is more than just fat-freezing – it is a patented, exclusive system that delivers homogeneous cooling with rapid results, made possible with the presence of four “peltiers” that distribute the arrival of the cold in several directions.
The adipose fold is saturated into the shell-shaped cryode probe, at which point the temperature in this zone is cooled from 37˚C to -5˚C and shock wave technology then breaks down the fibrosis. When exposed to temperatures as low as 0˚C, lipids in the adipocytes start to crystalise, then self-destruct.
For more information or to discuss finance options, contact the UK customer services team at Unique Skin on 01462 481500 or email info@uniqueskin.co.uk
* Study by the Henri Mondor Hospital in 2017, published in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal.

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