Detox foot pads are an over-the-counter (OTC) product that claims to remove toxins from the body while you rest at night. The makers of these adhesive pads, which you stick to the bottom of your feet, also assert that they can improve various other medical conditions.
These claims have never been proven, and the product is widely viewed as a scam. Detoxing the body isn't necessary because the liver naturally gets rid of toxins through normal bodily functions. adult pants china
Detox foot pads are adhesive patches that are placed on the bottom of your feet before you go to bed at night.
The product is left in place while you sleep. It's claimed that ions in the pads draw toxins—like heavy metals—out of your body.
When you wake up in the morning, the pads are typically discolored and may be stained with a brown or blackish hue. The manufacturers of this product claim (incorrectly) that this is proof that harmful or toxic materials were effectively removed from your body.
Contrary to the claims of their manufacturers, detox foot pads do not remove toxins from the body. There is no proof that they effectively treat any medical condition. The makers of this product have been fined and penalized by the FTC for these false assertions.
Many of the claims made by the makers of detox foot pads are both false and misleading. In fact, not only might this product be both a waste of money and time, but its ingredients can actually cause harmful side effects, as noted below.
In 2010, Kinoki, a manufacturer of detox foot pads, was penalized by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for falsely claiming that its product could detoxify the body and treat medical conditions. These supposed benefits were proven to be false and the company was barred from selling or advertising the patches.
In addition to drawing out toxins, claims by manufacturers of this product include that the foot pads are beneficial for other medical conditions.
For instance, Kinoki has asserted that its product is able to:
Each of these claims is both false and misleading. To date, no research supports the use of foot pads to treat any medical condition, nor is there any proof that they detoxify the body.
While they don't detoxify, certain ingredients found in foot pads may have certain benefits. One study looked how patches with lavender essential oil (sometimes used in foot pads) can improve insomnia. However, these patches differed in that they were used on the chest so that the essential oil could be inhaled.
Foot pad manufacturers often point to changes in the color of the patch as proof that toxins are being removed from the body. This claim, however, is also inaccurate.
The dark color that is often seen on these pads after use is actually a result of the wood vinegar that they are infused with. When this substance is mixed with the perspiration from your foot, a color change occurs. In fact, the same blackish or brownish hue can also be seen if the patch is spritzed with tap water.
While they do not provide any actual benefits, detox foot pads are often viewed as being relatively harmless, but this is not necessarily the case. Most of the foot patches are infused with either wood or bamboo vinegar to provide the color changes while you wear them.
These substances contain pyroligneous acid, an ingredient that can cause a number of side effects, including localized burning or irritation of the skin. In addition, this acid can cause dizziness or difficulty breathing if it is inhaled. Because of this, the use of these foot patches is not without risk.
Detox foot pads shouldn't be used on children or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. In addition, some people may be allergic to the ingredients used in detox foot pads. You should stop using them if you experience red, itchy skin or any other symptoms.
Some common natural detox foot soaks can promote relaxation. However, while some may have anecdotal support, research hasn't proven any detox benefits. These include:
While some people spend significant time and money trying to cleanse their bodies of toxins, in most cases, body cleansing is unnecessary. This is because your body has its own natural methods of removing harmful substances, as described below.
There are two types of toxins found in the body:
No matter the type of toxin, your liver is designed to process and eliminate these toxins. It does this by filtering harmful substances from your bloodstream and converting them into waste products. These toxins may be chemical byproducts from activities like digestion or exercise. They may also be inhaled pollutants or substances in the food or liquids you ingest.
Your liver also transforms nutrients and medications into beneficial proteins. Keeping this organ healthy is the key to effectively detoxifying your body.
There are several telltale signs that can indicate your liver is functioning inefficiently and not properly filtering out toxins. These include:
Paying attention to the presence of these symptoms can help alert you to a potential problem with this organ. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to contact your healthcare provider to discuss any concerns you have about your liver.
Instead of taking supplements or using detox foot pads, there are several steps that you can take to ensure that your liver is functioning effectively. These include the following:
Detox foot pads are advertised as a natural way to remove toxins from the body as you sleep. They have been deemed useless and their manufacturers were penalized by the FTC for making deceptive health claims. Some ingredients found in the patches may even be harmful.
Keeping your liver functioning effectively is the most effective way to naturally detoxify the body.
Beacon Health System. Detoxfoot pads: Do they really work?
Federal Trade Commission. At FTC’s request, judge imposes ban on marketers of detox foot pads.
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Harvard Medical School. The dubious practice of detox.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Pyroligneous acid, [flammable liquid label].
National Library of Medicine. Label: Xinhuazhx Foot Detox Pads.
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Vakilinia SR, Vaghasloo MA, Aliasl F, et al. Evaluation of the efficacy of warm salt water foot-bath on patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A randomized clinical trial. Complement Ther Med. 2020;49:102325. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2020.102325
MD Anderson Cancer Center. 4 detox myths: get the facts.
Johns Hopkins Medicine. Detoxifying your liver: fact versus fiction.
Sivakrishnan S, Pharm M. Liver disease overview. World J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2019;8(1):1385-95. doi:10.20959/wjpps20191-13036
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Viral hepatitis: Sexual transmission.
By Tim Petrie, DPT, OCS Petrie is a board-certified orthopedic specialist who has practiced as a physical therapist for more than a decade.
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