Weoohwoooeeohh! That’s the sound of the pleasure alarm ringing in the start of #MastrubationMay [doves appear with a shower of confetti as “I Touch Myself” plays]! If you’ve had your eyes on a sex toy for a while—or maybe are considering diving into the space for the first time ever—then welcome, because May is… well, the perfect time to invest in a little self-care! What’s the next best thing to a free orgasm? One with a super-fancy sex toy that you got on sale! Because if there’s anything that makes us horny… it’s a sale.
We love MysteryVibe’s products, especially because it makes sex toys with everyone in mind—including every kind of person, anatomy, and couple. We’ve covered a few of MysteryVibe toys, including the Tenuto 2 male vibrator (aka “the Tesla of multi-tasking penis toys”) and the super-flexible, “Rolls Royce of vibrators,” the Crescendo 2 (at least according to one very satisfied reviewer). Shop Sex Toys

These are just a small selection of the MysteryVibe toys going for up to 25% off in honor of Masturbation May. Of course, we’ve also got our eyes on the Legato—the world’s first flexible labia and vulva vibrator—and the Molto—which is the world’s first bendable prostate vibrator. There’s a toy designed to rock just about anyone’s boat in this sale, so there’s no need to delay your pleasure anymore—unless you’re into that.
Happy first day of masturbation month!
The Rec Room staff independently selected all of the stuff featured in this story. Want more reviews, recommendations, and red-hot deals? Sign up for our newsletter.

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